

Lowongan Dosen Lebih dari 20 program Studi di UMS (Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta) April 2017

lowonga dosen universitas muhammadiyah surakarta

Univrsitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

UMS is seeking to appoint young enthusiastic lecturers in the following are :

undergraduate program study:
  1. communications science / Ilmu Komunikasi
  2. informatics / Informatika
  3. accounting education / Pendidikan Akutansi
  4. indonesian language education / Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia
  5. biology education / Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia
  6. mathematics education / Pendidikan Matematika
  7. civics education / Pendidikan PKn
  8. gegraphy education / Pendidikan Geografi
  9. Elementary Teacher Education  / Pendidikan Guru SD
  10. computer science education / Pendidikan Teknik Informatika
  11. physiotherapy / Fisioterapi
  12. nursing / Keperawatan
  13. publich health / Kesehatan Masyarakat
  14. development economics / Ekonomi Pembangunan
  15. chemical engineering / Teknik Kimia
  16. clinical medicine / Kedokteran Umum
  17. dentistry / Kedokteran Gigi
  18. psychology / Psikologi
  19. syari economic law / Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
  20. Al Quran and tafsee studies / Pendidikan Alquran dan tafsir

postgraduate program study
  1. accounting / Akutansi
  2. management / Manajemen
  3. civil engineering / Teknik Sipil
  4. mechanical engineering / Teknik Mesin
  5. law / Hukum
  6. islamic education program / Pendidikan Islam

the successful candidate will carry out teaching at higher education with very good renumeration such as competitive salary, health insurance,  pension, and opportunity for further study (doctoral degree)

qualification :
  1. must be indonesian and muslim
  2. undergraduate program study : minimum PhD qualification and age should not be more than 47 years old
  3. special for bachelor degree holders, applicants must have predicate cumlude, TOEFL > 525 or ielts > 6.5 be muhammadiyah front, and less than 25 years old.

candidates should apply through online at by 29 april 2017. application in other format such as by post, in person , email will not be accepted.

Sumber resmi :

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